Zombie Family Costumes - Part 1


We are a family who loves to hide around corners, pop out and terrify each other. The bigger the scream, the bigger the success. We do Halloween thoroughly around here. I don’t decorate the house excessively, but we do try to dress up as a family and go out together. I figure the time is super limited on how long this can continue, and now that my son is 10, I had better enjoy it while they are still interested.

Plus, it’s always a bonus to show the kids that covered-up, creative costumes beat all the sexy-trash that is marketed to our children HANDS DOWN.

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Each year the kids trade who picks the theme, the only stipulation is that everyone has to be okay with it. In the past we have done Harry Potter (my most time consuming undertaking), Ghostbusters, Captain Hook & Tinkerbell, Avengers, Start Wars, and last year, on my daughter’s year of choice, she chose a family of Un-Dead (totally appropriate choice for a 6 year old, no?).

I can share our past costumes in a post if there is any interest for other Family Costume inspiration.


I found it very challenging to locate tutorials related to Zombie Costume Making and so I had to make it up as I went along. As a result, I thought that I would share a short two-part blog post, first revealing little family Zombie Costume inspiration, and secondly, a more-detailed how-to for those interested in their own Post-Apocalyptic take-over.


Here are a few fun snaps of the finished product from last year.

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Be sure to sign up for our occasional creative blog updates HERE so that you don’t miss follow up how-tos and other fun inspiration.

And to clarify for those who have asked…this years undertaking is currently a SECRET!!

Happy Creepy Costume Prep Season! (That’s a holiday, right?)


A huge thank you to my good friend Lynn, who volunteered to come over and document our dress-up adventure!
